First, a BlackBerry WebWorks application is a standalone application, which means you don't need to point to a remote server to load a web page or application (unless you want to). In this case, the application lives on the BlackBerry device. The application is essentially a bundle of web assets that are packaged into a container that can be viewed by a headless browser -- the WebKit engine container.
To deploy your application to a BlackBerry smartphone or tablet, you can use the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK.
- Runtime environment Java® Runtime Environment 1.6
- Processor Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon™ desktop processor 2 GHz or faster
- Virtual environment BlackBerry 10 Simulator requires VMware® Player on Windows or VMware® Fusion on Mac OS X
- Storage space 1 GB or more available hard disk space
- Memory 2 GB RAM or more
- Monitor Resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher
- Operating system Windows® XP SP3 32-bit, Windows® 7 32-bit or 64-bit, or Mac OS X 10.6.4 or Latest Version.